
Coming soon, a thought-provoking and emotionally gripping documentary that delves into the profound search for meaning in the aftermath of tragedy. The film follows Dr. Eanah, 10 years after the loss of her daughter Daja and grandmother “Billy”, which occurred within the same week in 2012 as she explores the depths of the human experience, offering a compelling exploration of resilience and purpose in the face of profound loss.

Through intimate interviews, personal narratives, and raw emotions, the film takes viewers on a transformative exploration of the human spirit’s unwavering capacity to heal and grow, and the power of creativity and music to inspire hope. By delving into the depths of grief, trauma, and loss, this documentary aims to uncover the intricate tapestry of human emotions and shed light on the complex process of healing and rebuilding. It challenges societal notions of resilience and invites viewers to question their own beliefs about meaning, purpose, and the capacity for growth.

While the documentary is still in production, Dr. Eanah and her dedicated team are meticulously crafting a cinematic experience that captures the raw authenticity and transformative power of the human spirit. Through striking visuals, evocative storytelling, and an empathetic approach, the film aspires to leave a lasting impact, fostering understanding, empathy, and hope.

Stay tuned for updates on the release of this compelling documentary.